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Crafting Tailored Chemical Contracts: The SAME Chemicals Advantage

We offers flexible and customizable chemical supply contracts tailored to the unique needs of each client. With options ranging from spot purchasing to full-term contracts, and various pricing formulas, including ICIS/PLATTS indexation, SAME Chemicals provides a strategic advantage in procurement and budgeting for a range of chemical products like styrene. This article sheds light on how SAME Chemicals facilitates these contracts, emphasizing flexibility, fixed pricing discussions, and volume adjustments.

In the dynamic world of chemical distribution, procurement strategies are as varied as the products they concern. For businesses seeking a dependable supply of chemicals like styrene, the ability to secure products through well-structured contracts can be a game-changer. At SAME Chemicals, we understand that each client's needs are unique, which is why we offer customized contracts that provide stability, flexibility, and competitive pricing, ensuring that your chemical supply aligns with market movements and your strategic goals.

The Role of ICIS/PLATTS in Contractual Agreements

Contracts for chemical products often hinge on pricing formulas derived from recognized industry benchmarks like ICIS (Independent Commodity Intelligence Services) and PLATTS (SP Global). These formulas reflect the current market conditions, providing a transparent and fair price setting. At SAME Chemicals, we utilize these benchmarks to create contracts that can be based on different frequencies – weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or quarterly – allowing for regular adjustments to market changes.

Flexibility in Quantity and Pricing

Understanding that demand can fluctuate, we provide unprecedented flexibility in our contracts. This means if in one month your operation requires zero metric tons, and the next, it needs double the previously agreed quantity, our contracts can accommodate these variances seamlessly. Our aim is to ensure that our clients are never left without crucial supplies or forced to overcommit to volumes that don't align with their current needs.

Fixed Pricing for Budget Certainty

To further support budgeting and financial planning, SAME Chemicals offers the option to discuss fixed pricing at the beginning or end of the month. This approach provides our clients with a degree of predictability amidst market volatility. By locking in prices, companies can better manage their budgets, reducing the risk associated with price fluctuations.

Styrene and Beyond: A Spectrum of Products

Although styrene serves as an example, our contract services extend across a vast range of chemical products. Whether you're in the market for solvents, acids, or any other industrial chemical, our contract solutions are designed to cater to your specific requirements.

The Supplier Perspective: SAME Chemicals' Role

As a supplier, SAME Chemicals plays a pivotal role in the contract process. Our over 50 years of experience in chemical distribution positions us as a knowledgeable and reliable partner. We're not just suppliers; we're collaborators intent on fostering long-term relationships built on trust and mutual success.

In conclusion, the contract services at SAME Chemicals are developed with an understanding that each business's needs are as individual as the products they use. Our contracts are designed with the flexibility to cater to any demand fluctuation and fixed pricing options for budget certainty, all based on robust and transparent pricing formulas. For those looking to secure their chemical supplies with a partner that prioritizes adaptability and client-specific strategies, SAME Chemicals stands as a beacon in the industry, ready to illuminate the path to procurement excellence. Contact us to start your contract negotiations.


Chemical Distribution, Chemical Contracts, ICIS, PLATTS, Fixed Pricing, Market Volatility, Styrene Supply, Industrial Chemicals, Flexible Contracts, Procurement Strategy

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Felix Adam
Sales Manager

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